Friday, January 15, 2010

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

Everyone has been asking about my doctor's appointment yesterday, so I thought I would blog about it.  Before I start...everything went fine.  I'm a little sore, but I'll live.

So, there were some positive things about my appointment and some negatives.  When your anxious about something, especially a medical procedure where pain is involved, you are either more aware of everyone you come in contact with that day or totally oblivious to everyone.  I was more aware, acutely.

The front office staff was courteous and friendly.  The medical assistant who called me back took my blood pressure and weight and talked about to me about my children.  She reviewed a few things about what would happen and said that a nurse would be in to prep me and would be assisting the doctor.  What she didn't mention was the ultrasound tech would be joining us too.

The nurse prepped me, was patient, answered every question and seemed genuinely sincere when she said she hoped the lumps turned out to be nothing but cysts.  The doctor and the ultrasound tech (UST) came in together.  The doctor talked to me a bit about the local anasthesia and we determined to use half of the usual dose so as not to taint my breast milk as I am still nursing Lydia at night.  He gave me the anasthetic and said he would be back shortly.  After he left, the UST said she would be locating the lumps and helping the doctor with the procedure.  All said a little roughly, like I was interrupting her day.

The doctor returned and we began.  Several times the doctor asked the UST to lighten up on my breast and not push so hard.  Everytime he asked her to do this she made this weird sighing noise, like she was annoyed that he was telling her what to do.  When the whole thing was over the doctor and nurse were cordial and again answered questions.  The UST was getting her equipment together.  As everyone was leaving I heard the UST say to the nurse, "I hate doing these things.  This lady has nothing wrong with her and I just wasted too much time in here."  The nurse glanced over her shoulder, could see that I heard the rude UST and sort of shrugged her shoulders and smiled.  It sort of implied to me that maybe this UST is always like this.

I think this UST had an important role in my procedure and her negativity and attitude were uncalled for and a bit irritating.  Oh, well.  It's over now.

I checked out, paid my bill and left.  In the elevator on the way down, I felt relieved it was over and grateful for my doctor's patience with me and his staff!

I should find out results next week.  My mother in law finds out her results in about 2 hours!  Please pray for her to be cancer free!  My friend, that I mentioned yesterday, is doing great.  Her MRI results came back and the hematoma is much smaller than they thought.  No surgery is needed, it will dissipate on its own.


1 comment:

  1. Dearest Michelle, I had no idea you are going through this. What a difficult season for you and your entire family. Stay faith-filled, our Lord has you right in the palm of His loving and protecting hands. You're one of His very favorites, you know!!

    Hugs and blessings,

