Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Civilization as we know it

Many news sources are saying that Port au Prince, the capital city of Haiti, has been utterly destroyed by the 7.0 earthquake.  The death toll is expected to top 100,000 lives.  This city and the country of Haiti have been changed forever.

We, in America, seem to only be concerned about what is happening in less fortunate countries when there is a catastrophe.  From the Haitian earthquake this week to the Indian Tsunami in 2004 (230,000 lives lost), tragedy strikes and democratic, wealthier nations, perk up.  What about other catastrophes?  The Rwandan genocide in 1994 claimed approximately 937,000 lives.  In addition, Rwanda has the 8th highest infant mortaility rate in the world.  On top of infant deaths, the deaths of hungry children all over the world is mounting and nearing 3M per year!

Again, we in America can hardly fathom these statistics.  Why am I sharing this on my blog?  Well, I have never been all that into raising money or awareness for projects overseas unless they are missionary driven.  However, I am praying and hoping I can find a passion for this.  I may not have huge amounts of money to donate, but I can pray and I can support those around me who are serving in so many capacities all over the world.

It seems most of my thoughts these days are driven by my children's future in this world.  I want them to have a concern for each and every person in the world.  For their well being, both physically and spiritually.  I'm not sure how to instill this in my children, without first doing it myself.

I have another challenge for you all today.  Think globally!  Pray for Haiti and its inhabitants.  Pray for those all over the world trying to help them.  Pray for countries who still persecute Christians.  Pray for missionaries sent out from your church.  Teach your children about another people/country.  Ok, so that may be too many challenges.  But, I'll try, if you will!

After you have thought and prayed globally, think locally.  Think about the hungry in your own city, the parents struggling to keep a roof over their heads, etc... Think and pray about what you can do in your own area to help someone who is suffering physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I am concerned that if those you can help don't, civilation as we know it, may be no more.

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