Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My First 10K

Well, I did it!  I ran in and completed by first 10k.  Completing #4 of my 101 Goals in 1,001 Days!

For those who don't know a 10k is 6.2 miles.  6.2 looooooooong miles!  I ran in the HEB Bayou City Classic downtown on Saturday, March 13th.  There were about 2,000 runners/walkers.

I began running on January 18th and at some point decided to set a goal and train for a 10K.  So, after two months of training I put my running shoes on and drove downtown.

[So, here's something you don't really think about too much.  Port a Johns.  Yes, Port a Johns.  That's where you have to go to the bathroom before the race begins.  So. Well. No.  I don't like them and wanted no part of them.  I pulled off the freeway at the last exit before downtown and visited McDonalds' restroom.  Never thought I would be excited to go to the bathroom at McDonalds! :) This was just a little side note that I figured the ladies might be interested in.]

I arrived downtown and was getting nervous.  I forgot to mention I even called Brian from the McDonalds parking lot because I was anxious.  I found a parking lot fairly close to the starting line, parked and then found myself waiting in line for almost 15 minutes to pay for my parking spot.  There is one computerized machine where everyone in the lot has to pay.  However, this wait calmed my nerves.  I chatted with the other runners who were of all ages, shapes and sizes.  Thinking back I think God provided this time for me.  I was able to get the jitters out.

After paying I locked up all my belongings in my glove compartment and jogged over to the starting line.  I got there in time to hear the National Anthem being butchered.  Yikes!  Then the wheelchair participants were off.  I stretched and again chatted with runners around me.  Then, we were off.
It took me about 2 minutes to actually cross the starting line, there were so many people.  [When Brian ran the marathon I think it took him 10 minutes to cross it.  A crazy amount of people ran it!]  I began running.  It was kind of exciting and I could feel my adrenaline pumping as we all ran together.  After only half a mile, I realized my shoe was coming untied.  I ended running all the way to the first mile marker before I decided I needed to tie it before I fell down.  So, I did.  And I double knotted this time!

As I approached mile marker 3 I saw a glorious sight!  Brian and the girls waiting at the side of the road cheering me on.  I heard, "Go!  Mommy Go!" while Sophie jumped up and down waving a pom pom.  Brian wore a big smile and little Lydie was sitting in the grass focusing on the cracker she was trying to eat before she was interrupted by the screaming.
I gave a few hugs and was off again.  Just after the family was the water station, I grabbed a water and tried to drink it while I jogged.  Ok, so it looks easier than it is!  I pretty much spilled the first half of the cup on my shirt.  I slowed to a brisk walk, finished the water, threw the cup away and jogged off.
Around 4.5 miles I was starting to work harder.  Running toward the sun wasn't making it any easier either.  Just ahead I saw a pedestrian bridge crossing the street and the silhouettes of three people.  (Note:  you can see the bridge in these first two pictures).  One was a tall, thin man, one a litle girl with flowing hair and another a toddler.  Yup, you guessed it.  Brian, Sophie and Lydia!  It was so cute to see Sophie jumping up and down and Lydie with her arms outstretched on the chain link fence.  (She looked like she was about to be frisked or something).

Around mile 5 I drank more water and kept on running.  The course we ran was supposed to be a flat course.  If your drove it, you would think it was flat.  If you are running it, not so much.  So, around 5.5 miles I began to climb my last hill.  I thought I was going to have to stop and walk.  But, NO, I told myself!  You did not just run 5.50 miles of a 6.20 mile race to stop now!  So, I kept going.

As I, finally, turned the last corner and saw the finish line 200 yards ahead, I tell you, I was so grateful, I almost wanted to cry.  There on my left was my fan club, cheering me on.  I waved, smiled and put my fist in the air and crossed the finish line with a smile.  It took me 1 hour, 16 minutes and 29 seconds.  That's about a 12 1/2 minute mile.  A little slow, but having never run a race before and never stopping, I was satisfied.

A big, BIG, thank you to Brian, Sophie and Lydia for coming out to cheer me on.  I didn't think it would help that much, but boy was I wrong.  It was a HUGE help!  So, thanks! 

Also, thanks for all my friends who prayed for me and sent me words of encouragement.  A special  note of thanks to Lisha for dropping off a bottle of water with a sweet note of encouragement on my doorstep the day before the race. 

No plans to do it again, but...you never know!  Maybe I'll be running a half marathon next.

Maybe not!
