Tuesday, May 18, 2010

101 Things in 1,001 Days

I have accomplished many items on this list of late, but today I did #78!

#78.  Catch up on all ironing.  (I suggest not letting it get to this point!)

#18.  Go a whole week keeping every dish in the house clean.  Today is day seven!

#25.  Teach the girls to swim (or have them take lessons) - In progress for Sophie

#41. & #42.  Go to San Antonio and Go to Sea World. - This is planned for Labor Day Weekend with Brian's family.

#51.  Read a spiritually awakening book. - Read "Prodigal God" and finished it in April.  It is a must read and one that can be read over and over.

#54.  Make all the beds, every morning, for one month. - This is in progress and I began it 5/11/2010.  Today is one week and I think that is a triumph too!

#60.  Have a couple (we don't normally have over) over for dinner.  On Thursday, May 13th, we had Jack & Lael Arrington over for dinner.  Jack was our previous pastor at church.  They are heading out to South Carolina to their new church in just a few weeks.  They will be missed.

That's it for now!


Sophie's Dictionary

Two new words for Sophie's Dictionary:

Famungous - Very Large  (I suppose she means humungous!)

Scrumdaleecious - A combination of scrumdiliumptious and delicious.


Button, Button, Whose Got the Button?

I have begun collecting buttons.

I began my collection in March when I was in Round Top for my church's women's retreat.  My friend, Amanda, came back from an afternoon of shopping and told me about this women selling buttons.  She told me that she had the buttons sorted my color and they prices were reasonable.  I was so excited.  So was Amanda.  She had told many people about her button find and no one seemed really interested until me!  There's a reason.

My grandma had a button tin when I was growing up.  It was a large, round tin, almost the size of a hat box and it contained hundreds, maybe thousands, of buttons!  I loved them!  I loved sitting on the floor with my sister and rummaging through them.  Often times my grandma would let me keep them, other times we had to put them all back, but I loved it.

When Amanda told be about the buttons I knew I had to stop there on the way home and begin my own collection.  Sophie loves them!  Sometimes we just sit on the floor and make shapes with the buttons or separate them by size, color, etc...

Here are a few pictures when Sophie and I made a button boot.

You know I think I should ask my grandma whatever happened to her button collection.  I sure would like to know!


Dog Bite!

On Friday, day two of Brian's vacation, he decided to go for a jog.

Our neighborhood has a really nice paved trail that runs along the Faulkey Gulley.  Brian is on this trail running along when he comes upon a man with two small dogs off their leashes.  Thinking nothing of it, he jogs on.  One of the dogs begins to pace Brian.  Brian, assuming the dog is going to sniff him, continues to run.

Before he knows it the dog scratches the back of his leg and then bites him!  YES!  Bites him!  Can you believe it?

Brian tells the guy, "Hey, I think your dog just bit me."  At the time, Brian wasn't sure if the dog had really bitten him or what.  The dog owner runs off after his dogs and Brian continues to run.  After a couple hundred yards he looks down and realizes the dog really did bite him and he needs to come on home.

We dressed the wound and Brian showered and headed out to the doctor.  The wound was small, but deep.  The doctor said they don't stitch animal bites because the risk of infection is so high, though if it hadn't been an animal bite,  Brian would have been the proud owner of a few stitches.  Armed with antibiotics and a wounded arm from a tetanus shot, Brian came home to try to salvage his vacation day.

Our camera doesn't take great close ups of small objects, but I promise this little bite was pretty darn deep!


Huntsville State Park

On Thursday, May 13th, we headed up toward Huntsville to go boating at the park. 
It was overcast with a cool breeze.  A great day to be on the water.

Unfortunately...when we got there and paid our entrance fee...they informed us that the boat rentals are only open Friday-Sunday during May and that they would be open during the weekdays too in the month of June.

Doh!  So, we drove an hour up there with the excitement mounting and were disappointed.

We played on the playground and went on a nice long walk anyway.  We didn't get any great pictures, but here are a few.

Sophie sat on the paddle boat we never got to use.  You may also notice the mismatched socks.  Sophie insisted on wearing her "boating" socks and these are them!
Tried to get a picture with the squirmy wormies. 

After the park we drove through Elkins Lake.  It is a retirement golf community that Brian's grandparents lived in until his grandpa passed away 13 years ago.  Brian spent many summers there and has very fond memories.  The best picture from our trip happened here on the way out of the subdivision we spotted some deer.

Cutest picture award goes to Lydia who fell asleep reading a book (that she had upside down) on the way home.

This trip also met #56 of the 101 Goals in 1,001 days "Visit two state parks in Texas."  Yeah!
