Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Button, Button, Whose Got the Button?

I have begun collecting buttons.

I began my collection in March when I was in Round Top for my church's women's retreat.  My friend, Amanda, came back from an afternoon of shopping and told me about this women selling buttons.  She told me that she had the buttons sorted my color and they prices were reasonable.  I was so excited.  So was Amanda.  She had told many people about her button find and no one seemed really interested until me!  There's a reason.

My grandma had a button tin when I was growing up.  It was a large, round tin, almost the size of a hat box and it contained hundreds, maybe thousands, of buttons!  I loved them!  I loved sitting on the floor with my sister and rummaging through them.  Often times my grandma would let me keep them, other times we had to put them all back, but I loved it.

When Amanda told be about the buttons I knew I had to stop there on the way home and begin my own collection.  Sophie loves them!  Sometimes we just sit on the floor and make shapes with the buttons or separate them by size, color, etc...

Here are a few pictures when Sophie and I made a button boot.

You know I think I should ask my grandma whatever happened to her button collection.  I sure would like to know!


1 comment:

  1. mt mom had (may stll have actually- hadn't thought about it til now) an old tin with buttons in it that i would search through when i was younger- really cool, odd and colorful buttons. i should ask her about it. what cool educational things there are that can be done with buttons- sorting, matching colors, shapes, counting... and making cool patterns and shapes like boots! very cute boot!
