Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dog Bite!

On Friday, day two of Brian's vacation, he decided to go for a jog.

Our neighborhood has a really nice paved trail that runs along the Faulkey Gulley.  Brian is on this trail running along when he comes upon a man with two small dogs off their leashes.  Thinking nothing of it, he jogs on.  One of the dogs begins to pace Brian.  Brian, assuming the dog is going to sniff him, continues to run.

Before he knows it the dog scratches the back of his leg and then bites him!  YES!  Bites him!  Can you believe it?

Brian tells the guy, "Hey, I think your dog just bit me."  At the time, Brian wasn't sure if the dog had really bitten him or what.  The dog owner runs off after his dogs and Brian continues to run.  After a couple hundred yards he looks down and realizes the dog really did bite him and he needs to come on home.

We dressed the wound and Brian showered and headed out to the doctor.  The wound was small, but deep.  The doctor said they don't stitch animal bites because the risk of infection is so high, though if it hadn't been an animal bite,  Brian would have been the proud owner of a few stitches.  Armed with antibiotics and a wounded arm from a tetanus shot, Brian came home to try to salvage his vacation day.

Our camera doesn't take great close ups of small objects, but I promise this little bite was pretty darn deep!


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