Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Summer Flowers

A few weeks ago Sophie and Daddy went to the plant nursery and Sophie bought a pink petunia, with her own money, to plant in the front yard.  It has been doing so well that today I took the girls to buy a few more for them to plant with Daddy.  Well...apparently petunias don't like the heat, so the nursery isn't selling them anymore. :(  However, they did recommend zinias and vincas.  So we bought a few of each.

Here are some pictures of the girls digging and helping Daddy.

Lydia had decided she had had enough shoveling, so she started picking the petunia flowers.  Check out the deviant look on her face!  Is she trouble, or what?

Sophie and Daddy

The finished flower bed.  (You can see the lovely, pink petunia.  They may not like heat, but I think they get just enough shade to do well).

One happy, little zinia.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Making Cookies or Making a Giant Mess!

I decided to make cookies with the girls on Saturday.  We mixed and rolled and baked.  It was pretty tame.  They helped, but didn't make a mess.  I was grateful, thinking "we had such fun and I won't have a mess to clean up."  I should have removed the girls from the counter just as I finished the thought, but no...I had to get the camera to document their cleanliness.

However.....I forgot that I left the flour on the counter between them. can imagine what happened from there.
At first they just moved it around on the counter.  Then Lydia tried to fill the Pyrex with it. 

Then Sophie poured flour on Lydia's head. 

Then Lydia decided to try to eat/drink the flour that was piling up on the counter.  Needless to say I had the biggest flour mess I have ever had in my kitchen. 

But, at least they had fun, right?  Right?
