Today it was sunny and not too hot out, so we headed for a fun playground near our subdivision, Lakewood Crossing Park at Cypresswood and Jones. I love this playground because it has a "little" kids' playground and a "big" kids' playground. Plus, and this is a BIG plus, the entire park is in the SHADE!
We arrived, had a snack and then hit the swings. After some play time on the "little" kids' playground, we headed to the "big" kids' playground. The girls even posed for pictures.
Sophie is really beginning to enjoy the monkey bars and Lydia loves the mini-rock wall. Until she saw this...
This is a picture of (what I thought) was a giant rock wall for a 2 1/2 year old.
This is my Lydie climbing the rock wall, by herself!!!! Ok, I told her where to put one of her feet, but I did not help physically.
Her daddy would have been so proud! She showed no fear!
After we finished playing we headed out for a walk on the paved trail that encircles the park.
Sophie and Lydia walked together, holding hands, while I followed behind pushing a sleeping Whitney in the stroller.
Then we saw a little dirt trail....
We headed off on "the path less traveled" for a little adventure.
We didn't have to walk long when we came upon a wider trail that went along the top of a small canyon which houses Cypress Creek, I believe.
The girls didn't want their picture taken. Oh, well.
We had a fun morning! Only wish Whitney was old enough to participate and that Brian could have been with us too!
Here's two pictures of Whitney, since she didn't get any camera time.
Enjoy the crazy hair. She sure does rock her mohawk!