Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Day in Wonderland

Today I made coloring books for the girls containing pictures from the Disney version of "Alice in Wonderland."  I printed many pictures and then we bought two pink binders from Target for $1.29 each and made our books.

We had a mini-tea party, which ended up being a mess, while we colored and watched the movie together. 

I didn't get many good pictures, but the idea was fun!  We'll do it again and next time I think I'll do "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and we'll eat apples!  Just not poisonous ones, of course.


Ruckus Room

Wednesday my girls seemed a little rowdy, so we headed to the Ruckus Room.
It is located on Huffmeister between 290 and Cypress North Houston in Cypress, TX.
They have open jump times from 10-5, Monday through Friday.  The cost is about $5 per kid, though, so not a daily activity for us!

Sophie had a blast.  If it hadn't been for the two accidents we would have stayed much longer.

It took Lydie awhile to warm up to jumping, but she had fun once she did. 

She got tired toward the end and laid down on an inflated flower.  Too cute!

We'll go back again.  It was very clean, even the bathrooms.  After Sophie's accidents the staff, politely, asked where she had been playing and then went to every bounce house or play house and cleaned it.  Impressive, I thought!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Jammies

I decided Lydia needed another pair of summer pajamas and Sophie could use a summer nightgown.  So, off to Kohl's we went and here is what we bought.

Sophie wanted a princess nightgown and this is what we decided upon.

Lydia is too little to care, but I thought these were cute.  I had to chase her around to get a picture (notice her tongue sticking out of her mouth with the effort).

My two cutie pies!
