Tuesday, May 18, 2010

101 Things in 1,001 Days

I have accomplished many items on this list of late, but today I did #78!

#78.  Catch up on all ironing.  (I suggest not letting it get to this point!)

#18.  Go a whole week keeping every dish in the house clean.  Today is day seven!

#25.  Teach the girls to swim (or have them take lessons) - In progress for Sophie

#41. & #42.  Go to San Antonio and Go to Sea World. - This is planned for Labor Day Weekend with Brian's family.

#51.  Read a spiritually awakening book. - Read "Prodigal God" and finished it in April.  It is a must read and one that can be read over and over.

#54.  Make all the beds, every morning, for one month. - This is in progress and I began it 5/11/2010.  Today is one week and I think that is a triumph too!

#60.  Have a couple (we don't normally have over) over for dinner.  On Thursday, May 13th, we had Jack & Lael Arrington over for dinner.  Jack was our previous pastor at church.  They are heading out to South Carolina to their new church in just a few weeks.  They will be missed.

That's it for now!


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