Monday, January 11, 2010

Fine Needle Aspiration

So...before Christmas I felt a lump in my breast.  Had a mammogram and ultrasound and my Dr. wasn't satisfied with the results.  Had the tests redone at The Women's Hospital this past Thursday, January 7th.

My Dr. called this afternoon and there are 3 lumps he is concerned about.  3!  I only felt one!  So...he would like to perform a fine needle aspiration on each lump in question.  It isn't too invasive and I don't need to be sedated, but I really don't feel like dealing with this!

In case you're wondering...fine needle aspiration, is just like it sounds.  A very fine, hollow needle removes tissue to be biopsied.  It rarely leaves bruising and pain is minimal during and after the procedure.  I may be sore though because there will be three separate sites.

This week will be an interesting one for our family.  I will hopefully have my procedure(s) and my mother-in-law, Ann, will be having her scan to see if her cancer is back.  She had ovarian cancer and has had one recurrence.  We are hopeful that it has not returned. 

I guess I need to be spending more time on my knees this week than I have been lately.  The only one in control of all these things is God, so the only one who can change them is God and the only one who can comfort us, is God!

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

May we all focus on delighting in the Lord today and the desires we will have will be for serving and glorifying Him.



  1. Dearest Michelle,

    You are in my prayers. While I know that the opposite of fear is faith, I had one scare with a concerning breast lump and - it's pretty scary. God's got you SO covered, you're one of His very favorites!

    Love you, wonderful Michelle.


  2. Michelle!
    I had no idea! I'll be praying for you! It's a good reminder that I should give myself regular breast examinations. When are you having the procedure done?
