Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Building Blocks

This morning my girls were building with bristle blocks.  I don't know if any of you remember those, but they are pretty easy to put together, especially for little ones like Lydia.  Anyway...I watched as each girl figured out how to build whatever was in their pretty little heads.

Sophie was trying to build a house.  She was able to get the four walls up, with a window in one wall.  Very impressive.  But, she couldn't figure out how to put the roof on.  She tried and tried, but couldn't do it.  Finally, with frustration in her voice, she asked me for help.  Together we built a roof and put it on top of her house.

Lydia was just trying to put more than two pieces together.  And she seemed to be trying to match the blocks.  She would only use red pieces.  After she got three pieces put together, the fourth seemed to elude her.  Just like Sophie, she kept tring and trying to no avail.  I wondered if she would think to ask me or Sophie for help.  Or if she would just divert her attention elsewhere.  Well, she asked me! :)  With a grunt she looked at me and said, "Mama, hiya, ug."  I'm assuming this meant, "Mom, please help me too!"  (I know I'm reading into it a bit).  So, I helped Lydie add another block to her tower or whatever she was making.

As I was building with Sophie and Lydia I was thinking about how I try to do things myself until the point of frustration.  Then I turn to God.  So, at what point do you ask for help?  If I am praying without ceasing, as I am supposed to be, I have help from the get go.  Right?  But, I ask myself if my faith is strong enough, if I believe enough?  I know it's bigger than a mustard seed!

What are the building blocks of my faith?  I remember many sermons on faith from the time I was a small child.  But, basically this is what I remember:

  1. Prayer - I need to communicate with God to further my relationship and faith in Him.
  2. The Bible - I need to spend time in The Word, again communicating with God, allowing Him to speak to me through His inspired Words.
  3. Praise (Worship) - I need to praise Him for who He is, what He has done for me, and the blessings all around me.
  4. Works (Faith in Action) - In James 2:26 "...faith without works is dead."  I need to use my faith to increase it and make it stronger.

Ok, so if these are the building blocks, I need to use each one to build my faith.  Without each "block"  I cannot begin to be who Christ has made me to be in Him.   I don't know about you, but I found this pretty convicting.  Not only do I need to be doing this for me, but I need to be teaching my girls how to "build" their faith too! 

Are your building blocks in place?  Are you using the right ones or trying to put two pieces together that don't fit?  Challenge:  Take the time to build your faith today and put it into action tomorrow!



  1. michelle- if you keep this up, you might need to write a devotional book for moms to encourage them... good job!

  2. i agree with shelby! i've always said you need to write a book!! =)

  3. Heck, forget about a book for "moms." This is good stuff for ALL; dads, singles, couples, etc. Nice job, Michelle. I always knew there was a "preacher" hiding away in you. - Keith

  4. So fun to see you join the blogging world!! Your girls are adorable!!
