Monday, January 11, 2010

Playing in the Strangest Places

My little Lydie loves to play in strange places.  Maybe strange isn't the right word, but...well you'll see.

In the dog's crate.  I'm not sure why children love to play in Bear's crate.  He doesn't seem to mind.  Which is good because both of my girls have always loved ot play in it.

In the Tupperware cabinet.  This girls is soooo silly.

Sitting in the fridge holding yogurt.
She would sit there for hours if I let her.
She just loves it!

I am loving the differences between my girls.  Sophie is sooo independant and patient with her sister.  Lydia allows Sophie to read to her, pretend pretty much anything with her and is accepting of her role as the baby sister.  I hope their sweet relationship continues to blossom as beautifully as it has started.


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