Monday, January 11, 2010

2009 in review

One of my New Year's resolutions for 2010 is to start and maintain a blog. is already the 11th of January and I am just starting!

So, to begin....I thought I would review 2009.  Below is the year in pictures:

Sophie's 1st Trip to the Beach
January 2009


Sophie & Lydia
(Sophie loves holding her baby sister)
February 2009


Sophie Riding a Donkey for the First Time
at Tomball Bible Church's Western Days
February 2009

 Sophie's 1st Haircute
(I know, she didn't get a cut until she was 2 1/2!)
March 2009



Lydia finds her foot
(Doesn't she look happy about it?)
March 2009

Easter in Phoenix
April 2009

Easter in Phoenix

Me and my girls, Sophie and Lydia
My sister, Suzy and her son Conor

April 2009

Sophie Riding her Tricycle
May 2009

Lydia is Dedicated to God at church
Mother's Day 2009

Sophie Reading to Lydia
June 2009

Beautiful Lydie
July 2009

Sophie in Mommy's Sink
(She's a little monkey, and can climb on anything)
July 2009

Brian, Gammie(Brian's mom), and Lydia
July 2009

Sophie Turns 3!
August 2009

Sophie Playing Dress up in Mommy's Shawl and Heels
September 2009

Brian & Lydia
Dressed to Cheer on UT
Hook 'Em Horns!
September 2009

Rod, Brian and Scott
(Brian hiked the Grand Canyon for the second year in a row)
October 2009

Great Artsy Shot of Brian and Scott at the Bottom of the Grand Canyon
October 2009

Michelle & Lydia
Lydia turns 1!
October 2009

Brian, Ann (Gammie), and Lydia
October 30, 2009

They all share the same birthday!

Brian Running his first 25k.
November 2009

Brian and his sister, Suzanne are running in their first marathon on January 17, 2010!

Sophie & Lydia
December 2009

Dickens on the Strand
Galveston, TX

December 2009

Brian & Sophie
Christmas Morning 2009

Lydie on Christmas Night

Ok, now that we're up to date, let's look forward and move on to 2010!

Best wishes for a Happy and Blessed New Year to all!


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