Friday, February 5, 2010

Mr. Tee Tee

As you all know, we are still working on potty training Sophie.  Last week she and I had this conversation.  (at least what I can remember)

Mom:  "Sophie, when you're at school today, I don't want you to have any accidents.  Remember to tell your teachers when you need to go."

Sophie:  "Ok.  I had a talk with Mr. Tee Tee last night.  (Note:  I didn't know who Mr. Tee Tee was.  We've never called her girl parts this.  When she was really little we called it a pee-pee, but now it's well, the V word!)  Sophie continues..."I told Mr. Tee Tee that he needs to tell me when I have to go pee-pee.  So, he said he would."

Mom:  "Ok, well tell Mr. Tee Tee to do a good job."

When I picked Sophie up from school....

Sophie:  "Mom, Mr. Tee Tee didn't tell me when I had to go.  He did a bad job and he was naughty."

Mom:  "Well, I think you need to be able to tell when you have to go potty.  Mr. Tee Tee has other things to do."

Sophie:  "Yeah.  He has to play with the other boys at school."

You can't imagine what images flashed into my head of a 16 year old Sophie, boys and Mr. Tee Tee!

Mom:  "I don't think Mr. Tee Tee should play with anyone, I think he should just stay in your pants."

Sophie:  "If you think that's best."

Mom:  "I do."

Sophie:  "Can we go to Target for a special prize for Mr. Tee Tee."

Mom:  "I don't think so, Sophie.  Let's get your sister and go home."

As we walk down the hall to get Lydie, Sophie slowly follows me, mumbling to herself.  I turn around to find her looking down and talking to Mr. Tee Tee about being bad and how he really needs to be a responsible Mr. Tee Tee. 

Sophie is a crack up.  Yet another Sophie tale.


1 comment:

  1. that is hilarious!!! yes, the joys of potty training. elisabeth wasn't doing very well, and then last week she just got it all together. it has been really cool. it was really from one day to the next. she just decided she wanted to do it. we thought it was so funny and amazing. every kid is so different. andrew couldn't stand messes, so it really bothered him and he pretty much got it right away. elisabeth just didn't really care about messes. she just had to decide she wanted to do it....funny. :)
    loved your story!!! :) i think it's great you started a blog. it's been fun keeping up.
