Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rope 'Em and Raise 'Em (From the Dead)

Please enjoy the following Sophie tale.

Sophie:  "Come on Mr. Cow.  I'm gonna help you."  (I should mention we have a little cow that the kids can climb on and ride.  It rocks forward and back).

Sophie then lassos the cow with her jump rope, making sure it is firm around his neck, she then drags him across the living room floor toward the foyer.

Mom looks out from the kitchen and asks, "What are you doing to the cow?"

Sophie:  "Don't worry.  Mr. Cow is sick.  I'm taking him to the doctor.  I think he's going to die though.  So, I might have to ask God to heal him."

Mom: "If the cow dies, can God still heal him?"

Sophie:  "Oh, I guess not.  I'll just have to ask him to bring him back to life."

Sophie continues dragging the poor, dying cow by the neck into the play room at the front of the house.  From the kitchen mom hears banging and mumbling.  Somewhere within the mumbling mom hears, "God" and "Cow" and "Help" and "Please."

Sophie:  "Ta-Daaaaaaaaa."  (Not spoken, but sung at the top of her lungs!)  "Mom, God brough the cow back to life.  He's fine now."

I have soooo many more tales like this.  It seems most of Sophie's imagination is fueled by Bible stories.  Many a day I am told she is going to Canaan or the Promised Land and not to worry because she'll return soon.


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