Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Do you believe in God?

What a title for a blog post, right? Well...FaceBook brings out some interesting conversations and sometimes those conversations are about people’s beliefs or unbelief, as it were.

I have come to the realization that I do not understand Atheists. I'm sure that doesn't sound shocking, but I don't think I'd ever really thought about it before. I am sure that Atheists don't understand me either.

To me an Atheist is someone who doesn't believe in God. I mean, the one, true God. The God who created the all that we see around us, the heavens and the earth, man, the entire universe. Yes, the God who sent His only Son to earth to save us from ourselves. That's the One I'm talking about.

I never thought about it further. Atheists do not believe in any god, deity or any other supernatural higher power. Of course this makes sense, but I just never thought about it. So, think about it. No god of any kind. Maybe I just believe that as humans we inherently seek a "higher power." This could be because the God who made us, well...made us that way. To desire a relationship with Him.

There are so many arguments for a disbelief in God, I would be here all night trying to explain them, or even wrap my mind around them. So, instead of wasting any more space for that, I'll tell you why I believe in God.

First of all, how else did we all get here? The Big Bang? A pile of goo? Come on!
The intricacy of our universe and planet is well documented scientifically. In addition, think of how complicated the human body is, especially this crazy brain of mine! Who else, but an infinitely wise, all-powerful God could have come up with me? God was the beginning, He is now and He always will be.

Secondly...Fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Think of all the prophecies in the Bible that have come true. Ok, if you can't think of any, here are a couple...

Isaiah prophesized of Jesus' birth and Jesus was born.

Isaiah prophesized that Jesus would be beaten and He was.

    (There are soooo many more!  I just said a few off the top of my head).

Finally...I have faith. I guess that's the bottom line, isn't it? Either you believe in Him, for whatever reason, or you don't. Without faith I wouldn't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I couldn't imagine that.

I have been saved by my faith. One of my favorite Bible verses says it best...

"For by grave you have been saved, through FAITH; and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not as a result of works, so that no one should boast." Eph. 2:8-9 (the translation may not be perfect, I didn't look it up)

I am so lucky to be loved by a God just because He does. I wouldn't want it any other way.

To end on an intellectual note...Albert Einstein said, "the harmony of natural law reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."  How true.

I guess the Atheists and I will just have to agree to disagree and perhaps to have more conversations in the future.


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