Monday, February 8, 2010


Ok, so you all know that Brian ran in AND completed his first marathon on January 17, 2010.

Well, on January 18, 2010, I began running.

I don't run very far, or at least I didn't when I started.  But, now 3 weeks later, I am up to 3 miles!  Though this may not be impressive to some, I am encouraged.  I didn't even think I could run that far.

Brian has been suggesting that I have a goal.  Well, my goal has just been to lose weight and get in better shape, but...I've set an additional one.

I have registered for the HEB Bayou City Classic 10k! 

So, I now have to be ready to run 6 miles on Saturday, March 13th!

I may be slightly crazy and may not be able to run all 6 miles by then, but I am certainly going to try.

Through all of this I've realized there is so much we are capable of doing.  I think sometimes we buy into a lie about our potential or even worth when it comes to completing certain tasks or challenges.  Well, I say phooey!  Let's put our big girl panties on and get movin!

Whether it's a book you never thought you could read your way through or a run you never thought you'd finish, I challenge you to DO IT!  You just might surprise yourself!



  1. Not impressive? Who are you kidding?!?!?! That's awesome! I have been wanting to get into running, too. I can sprint, but when it comes to running distance, well, I don't think i need to say anything. However, Phil. 4:13 suggests otherwise! That's so awesome you're doing it...and who cares if you don't RUN the entire time? You can walk/jog, too! We'll be praying for you!

  2. Are you kidding me? 3 MILES is an eternity. I'm so impressed Michelle. WOW are you incredible or what? Brian's gotta be so proud of you!!

    Love you,

