Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Honk! Honk!

Honk!  Honk!  That's what I heard this morning when I was getting ready to shower.

Let me set the scene....It's about 7:45am and Brian is heading out to work.  The girls are situated with cheerios and milk and ready to watch Dora.  I am about to get in the shower.  We are all in pajamas, except Brian, of course.

It's Wednesday and that means a "work day" for me.  I had to drop off and pick up tax returns at 8:45am, take the kids to school for their Valentine's Day parties and then be back home by 9:30am to meet someone else I work for to go to see the CPA together at 10:00am. 

So....HONK!  HONK!

I thought Brian must have forgot something, but he usually just comes back inside.  I hurry out to the garage and...his car battery is dead!

Flustered, I began rushing around the house trying to get out the door quickly.  We get the girls loaded into my car and I drive Brian to the bus stop.  (Thank goodness he takes the bus!)  He made the 8:10 bus with 3 minutes to spare!  So, he wasn't late today.

While we were driving to the bus stop, I came upon a realiztion.  I wasn't wearing a bra!  Oh no!  What if something happens and I don't have a bra on!  But wait, there's more.  My mom always told me that when you leave the house, even if just to run to pick up a movie or get gas, you always wear shoes and clean underwear.  (of course you wear clothes too!)  Well, I had shoes on, but...I was about to get in the shower...I hadn't dressed for the, yes your conclusions are correct.  No clean underwear.

I was horrified.  What if there was an accident and I woke up in the hospital knowing that when they pulled my unconscious body from the car I was not wearing a bra or clean underwear!

Ok, so this is overreacting a little, but this is what was going through my head as I was getting Brian to the bus.

After dropping him off I needed to run by one of the CPA's houses that I work for.  He was supposed to be at the gym, so it would be a little exchange in an agreed upon spot.  Thank goodness he was really at the gym.  I swapped the files and headed back home.

Well, you'll be happy to know that I made it home.  No accidents.  No problems.

I was able to get the kids to school as it was starting at 9:30am.  And...I was only 10 min. late to my morning meeting!  It worked out much better than I thought it would. 

God is good, even when it comes to keeping the timing of a rushed and frazzling morning under wraps.


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