Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's Cheering Up Time

Tonight while Sophie was getting into bed, she hurt her finger.  I don't know how or on what.  But, she said she had a boo boo and started to cry.

Note:  She was pretty tired by this point.  So, I didn't think much of it.

I gave her a big hug and told her to get under the covers.  She said, "But the tears are coming down my face."

She was beside herself that I wasn't convinced there was a problem with her finger.  We've been having a few procrastination issues with bedtime and I wasn't going to give in to a new one. 

So, I told her it would be alright and that she just needed a good night's sleep.

Sophie:  "No, I don't.  I'm sad and I'm never gonna cheer up."

I tried not to laugh.  I didn't even know she knew the phrase "cheer up."  It's not one we really use around the house.  So, I picked her up and rocked her for a few moments.

Mom:  "Are you happier now?"

Sophie:  "No.  I still need cheer.  Do you know what would cheer me up?"

Mom:  "What?"

Sophie:  "Taking me to Disney World."  (Said with a cute little smile)

Seriously?  My 3 1/2 yr old is already requesting that I take her to Disney World?  My niece and nephew went last year and one of the girls in Sophie's class went recently.  But, seriously?  Are we there already?  When did that happen?

Well, I can't blame her.  I have never been to Disney World.  However, growing up in Arizona and having relatives in San Diego, I've been to Disney Land more times than I can count.  I don't know if it truly is the happiest place on earth, but I always had a really good time!  Well, I guess she's like her mommy.

It's a good thing we don't live closer to California or Florida or we might have season passes!

I guess this is just another Sophie tale! :)

P.S.  Look for another blog a couple of years from now chronicling our Disney trip!


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