Friday, May 7, 2010

Looking at the World

Yesterday afternoon Sophie picked up her little chair and headed for the front door.  Trying, unsuccessfully, to unlock it, I aksed what she was doing.

Sophie:  "I want to go outside and look at the world."
Mom:  "Ok.  You have to stay near the door so I can see you."

Sophie set her chair up just about as far away as I would let her.  She sat, so cutely, in her chair and sang a little song to the world around her about the fact that she was watching it.

I took this first picture from upstairs.  I thought it was a good vantage point to watch Sophie look at the world!
When I went out in the front yard to see if she would like to come in, this is how I found her sitting.  She's a hoot! 

Let's remember to take a look around us at the world.  God's creation is beautiful and I love being able to see His hand in so many things around me!


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