Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lydia is 18 Months!

Lydia turned 18 months last week on April 30th.  Here's a few interesting facts about my monkey, followed by pictures.  Enjoy!

  • She can say many words, but her favorties are:  mama, dada, bear, puppy, woof-woof, Dora, and ball.
  • When I let her watch TV, she LOVES, I mean LOVES, to watch Dora!
  • Her favorite toys are any ball she can throw or roll, books and her stuffed puppy.
  • Her favorite book right now is "What Does Baby Do?"
  • She loves hanging out with Sophie and Sophie can always make her laugh.
  • Growth wise, her weight has finally caught up with her height percentile, so we don't have to feed her formula anymore!  YEAH!  It was only a two day transition to whole milk and she's loving it.
  • One of her favorite activites, that drives mommy crazy, is climbing onto chairs and then onto the table.  I leave the room for a few moments and come back to find her sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. 
  • She also is learning to color.  (on paper, of course!)
Here's a few pictures from birth to now!

Welcome to the family!

One Month

Three Months

Four Months

Six Months

Eleven Months

Happy Birthday!

Merry Christmas!

Fourteen Months

Seventeen Months - Happy Easter!

Sophie & Lydia Reading on the Stairs - 18mo.

Eighteen Months!


1 comment:

  1. man, it must be something about 18 months, cause i cannot keep tiger off of tables either! he is climbing everything!
