Monday, May 10, 2010

Sophie's First Swim Lesson

Today Sophie had her very first swim lesson. 

Brian and I have been in the pool with her in years past, but only a handful of times.  I knew she liked the water, but I wasn't sure how she would do.

I should have known not to worry, I mean, this is Sophie we're talking about.  She met the instructor, Miss Doris, and loved her from the get go. 

Miss Doris played with Sophie in the shallow water for about 10 minutes, before moving to a different part of the pool to begin working on kicking and such.  As you can see, Sophie is having a blast!

I can't post enough of her big smile!

Sophie even kicked, while balancing on a floatation device, by herself.

And...she floated, holding a little board, for 20 seconds.  Apparently, this is impressive.  I didn't even know it at the time!

Later, Miss Doris told me that Sophie did really well and skipped about 3 levels with today's lesson.  She is unafraid and willing to follow directions.  Yeah!  The one thing she wasn't willing to do was put her face in the water.  I guess she can't be perfect at everything! :)

Can't wait for next week and I know Sophie can't either.


1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness- she is just radiating happiness there in the water! thats awesome how well she did! she seems like such a trip and i love getting to "know" her a bit more through the blog- maybe someday more in real life! i too can't get over that huge smile!
