Monday, April 19, 2010

Sugar Cookies

For those who can handle little fingers in their cookie dough and patches of flour all over the kitchen floor, I suggest making old-fashioned rolled out sugar cookies with your kids.  So fun!

First, I need to say that I have been trying to do this with the girls, and especially Sophie, since Lydia is still a little young, since Saturday.  We did it today, which is Monday!  Let me explain.  We made the dough on Saturday and put in the refrigerator to chill while the girls napped.  Then Sophie got in trouble and the consequence was, no baking cookies.  Then it was Sunday, more trouble, no cookies.  Then it was Monday morning, a bit of trouble, no cookies.  Then I decided after naps it must be done.  So, it was.

Sophie just loves all the steps involved.  Scattering flour on the countertop and her hands.  (Clapping to see the dust, of course!)  Patting the dough into a ball.  Rolling the dough.  Cutting the cookie patterns.  Watching them bake.  And eating them!

While Sophie was rolling the dough she stated, "Mom, making cookies is so much fun.  It fills my heart with wonders."  While she said the second sentence she looked up toward the ceiling, closed her eyes slightly, and swayed a bit.  Do you think she has a touch of the dramatic?  Hmmm... I wonder where she gets that?

Toward the end, Lydia joined in, but was more interested in eating the cookie cutters then anything else.  However, she ate more cookies than Sophie did.  After one or two Sophie said that was enough sugar for her.

We made cookies of varying shapes and sizes.  We have a cookie cutter in the shape of a hand.  However, somehow one of the hands lost a digit.  Sophie asked what was wrong with it and I told her it was missing a finger.  She told me that she would not be eating that one and I told her that maybe no one would!  Besides a normal hand and the creepy 4 fingered one, there is the UT symbol.  Hook 'Em!

Hope everyone had a great day!


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