Thursday, April 22, 2010


Tuesday night I ran an errand to Walgreens and Sophie tagged along.  When we were done she asked if we could drive by Miss "Malorie's" house.  [My friend, "Malorie", and her husband are building a home off Spring Cypress between 249 and Eldridge, so it's very close to my home].  I said we could.

When we drove up there was no one around and the brick house, apparently, looked inviting to Sophie because she asked if we could go inside.  It was pretty muddy, so I carried Sophie around to the back of the house and tried the door.  It was unlocked.  We went in and explored the house a bit.  It's been drywalled and the cabinets are in, but that's it.

While walking Sophie says, "This house is pretty big, is it bigger than ours?"
Me:  "Yes."
Sophie:  "Is it bigger than God's house."
Me:  "No, baby.  It's not bigger than God's."

Later....Sophie:  "Which room is mine?"
As if she's going to live there too!

As we climbed back in the car to head home Sophie's final words were pricesless, "When we get home I want to tell daddy about all this."
Me:  "About all what?"
Sophie:  "About sneaking into Miss "Malorie's" house.  It was a terrific adventure!"

Second story...
Just a few moments ago I put Sophie down for her nap.  She's been a bit diffcult with all the oral steroids she had to take the past 6 days, so she was fussing.  I laid down by her to calm her a bit and ensure she would take her nap.

She wanted my arm to be under her head and her arm to be under my shoulders.  I told her this was not a good idea.

Me:  "I don't want to squish your arm."
Sophie:  "You won't."
Me:  "Ok."  Moments later... "See I'm squishing the heck out of your arm!"
Sophie:  "No you're not.  I still have heck left."

Silly, silly Sophie!  Thought you would all enjoy these.


1 comment:

  1. i still have heck left... ahhhh... refreshing! and the question about where her room is- that reminded me of that song "My Father's House"... "it's a big, big house with lots and lots of rooms..." oh to be 3!
