Monday, January 25, 2010

Great Results

After the many mammograms, ultrasounds and needle biopsies, the results are in.

No precancerous cells!  YEAH!  Just fribroids.  I can handle that.

Just wanted to post this for posterity sake.

The doctor called on Friday, which made it a good day.

Then I went to dinner with a friend and was greeted with an early, surprise birthday!  I'll post on this once I get the pictures from a friend!

What a great day with great results!

I am reminded of God's sovreignty through all of this.  Without Him I would not have been able to handle the waiting.  Or the poking of needles, for that matter!

"But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much."  Eph. 2:4(NLT)
And He loves us still, thank goodness!


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