Saturday, May 28, 2011

Whitney is 3 months!!!

Whitney turned 3 months old on May 26, 2011.  She's changing so quickly.  I love this stage as there is something new and different about her almost every day.

Look how much she has changed:

Just Born

One Month

Two Months

Three Months

She loves to listen to anyone sing, loves to be talked to and played with.  And, I. know. she loves her big sisters.

Her biggest physical accomplishment during the past month would be:

Holding up her head longer during tummy time.

Rolling onto her side.  (You'll also notice she found her hands this month and sucks on her fist or fingers frequently).

She also sleeps through the night and has been for about two weeks.

I'm so excited to review all her changes and accomplishments next month too.

But, I will, of course, leave you with two mohawk pictures.  I thought as her hair grew it would lay down, but nope!  It just stands up taller!


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