Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ni Hao!

Sophie has started to like a new TV show, "Ni Hao, Kailan."  It's about a little girl, Kailan, and is somewhat like Dora as it teaches another language, Chinese, and good lessons.  Such as, what it means to keep a promise, how to share, and how to help your friends.

Sophie loves learning new words in different languages.  We have been working on Spanish and she has quite a few words under her belt.  However, now she wants to learn Chinese.

We went to the bookstore to see what kind of chilren's books we could find to help Sophie learn Chinese.
While at the store the following took place:

Sophie apparoached an Asian mom with three children in tow.
Sophie: "Ni Hao!"  Said a little too loudly.
The mom gave me a strange glance as if to say, "What did your kid just say to me?"
Me:  "She said 'hello' in Chinese."
The Mom:  Bending down to Sophie, "Oh, baby, we're Korean."
I stifled a laugh as Sophie looked over at me and said, "What?"
I explained that just as Chinese people are from China, Koreans are from Korea.
Sophie:  "Is Korea far away like China?"
Me:  "Yes."
Sophie:  "Is it as far as Wisconsin?"
Again stifling a laugh, "It's much farther than Wisconsin."
Sophie:  "Ok."

Through this whole episode the mom and her oldest child were laughing a bit too.  She was really nice and such a good sport with Sophie.  Thank goodness she was a mom herself and understands a bit how little minds work.

Zai hui!  (Good-bye)


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