Thursday, March 11, 2010

101 Things in 1,001 Days

#49.  Create a Weekly Meal Plan and Stick To It

This will be complete tonight!  I tend to do my grocery shopping on Thursdays, so last week I made a meal plan for Friday to Thursday. 

We didn't necessarily have awesome meals, but I stuck to what I said I would make.  I did switch a few nights, but not the needed ingredients.

We had a whole chicken one night and I ate leftovers throughout the week.  We also had fish, hamburgers, tacos and more.

The best meal was Sunday night when we had the Aldersons over to congratulate Skeet on being the official candidate for your church's senior pastor!  I made shrimp, pasta and a different, but yummy asparagus and avocado salad! :)

I'll knock out #4 - Run a 10K on Saturday!  So, wish me luck!
Oh!  And I'll complete #59 -Have dinner with the Aldersons every Sunday for a month on Sunday!  :)

Now off to accomplish little chores all around my house.  Not very excited.


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