Monday, March 1, 2010

101 Things in 1,001 Days

Added a few items.

74.  Make a special dessert for someone who deserves it.  - Completed this yesterday

75.  Shop for groceries at Walmart for one month - will be doing this for the month of March

76.  Take the girls out of daycare (to spend more time with them and save money)  - their last day is March 10th

Ok, that's it for now!


1 comment:

  1. wow,'re really on a roll with this whole 101 ideas goal! :) how are things with your work and all? how do you feel about not having them go to daycare anymore? you'll save money and hopefully not have to visit the doctor quite as often. :) that's always such a bummer about daycare. what does sophie think about quitting daycare? is she excited or sad?
    Love your blog! really fun to keep up with you in this way! sending a hug!!! miss you!
