Friday, February 19, 2010

Trip to the BlueBell Creamery

Today we visited the BlueBell Creamery in Brenham (about 45 min. from Tomball).

Sophie, Lydia and I went with a friend, Caren and her son, Carter.  Sophie is only a few months older than Carter and they had a great time together.

Fortunately, Caren has a Tahoe, so once I maneuvered myself around the inside of the SUV installing our car seats, we were on our way.

The first tour of the day is at 10:00am and lasts about 30-40 min.  It isn't the most kid friendly tour and I have to admit I didn't really learn much.  My friend and I enjoyed our time together more than the tour.  The cost is $5.00 per adult and children 5 and under are free.  I should mention that everyone gets a scoop of ice cream after the tour is over and they have 24 of their 55 flavors available to choose from.

Note:  When our kids are older if they specifically request to tour the creamery we'll take them, otherwise, we'll visit when the bluebonnets are in bloom and drop in for a scoop of ice cream for only $1.00.

After finishing up our yummy ice cream we headed back to town and picked up Chik Fil A for the kids (of course!)

It was a fun day!



  1. Oh my goodness! Going to the Bluebell Creamery was one of my most favorite things as a kid! Loved it. That's so cool that you got to spend a day doing that with your girls and some friends! Cute pictures!!!!

  2. When I tell Mike that you did this, he's going to freak out. He is SUCH an ice cream snob and Blue Bell is his favorite. It rarely goes on sale here and I have trouble finding it for under $5-6, so I just don't buy anything. I guess it's better than Cold Stone, but still. Breyer's can be as low as $2 a carton!
